CERIS Annual Event 2024: Disaster-Resilient Societies – From Local to International Cooperation

Brussels & Online / June 5, 2024

Excerpt: The CERIS event of 5-7 June focused on Disaster-Resilient Societies for Europe will discuss existing and developing networking initiatives from the international to the local levels in support of Disaster Risk Reduction

The event will feature 25+ EU projects and 40+ speakers, including policy-makers, scientists, practitioners, SMEs, and civil society. Topics include societal resilience, responder technologies, climate and geohazard preparedness, and CBRN medical emergency resilience.

In the afternoon panels, our project coordinator Michele and Guido Rianna will present our activities within The HuT!

Find the full agenda here:

Photo credit :Petar Starčević: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/fotografia-di-paesaggio-di-un-edificio-alto-2587789/

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