Droughts / March 3, 2023


L'Ogliastra è un'area della Sardegna caratterizzata principalmente da foreste e terreni agricoli.

Floods / March 3, 2023

Monti Lattari

L’area Dimostratore si estende su 32 comuni e comprende aree di notevole pregio paesaggistico come le costiere Amalfitana e Sorrentina.

Droughts / March 3, 2023

Val D’Aran

La Val d’Aran és l’única comarca de Catalunya situada al vessant nord dels Pirineus (té uns 9.000 habitants). La zona és un conegut destí de vacances d’hivern i estiu caracteritzat per la morfologia típica d’alta muntanya amb cims superiors als 2000 metres. Aquest territori d’alta muntanya és l’única vall del…

Floods / February 20, 2023

Lattari mountains

The area includes 32 municipalities. The "Amalfi coast" and the "Sorrento coast" are world-famous for the beauty of their coastal environmental.

Droughts / February 20, 2023


The area contains mainly forests and farmland.

Droughts / February 20, 2023

Val d’Aran Region

The Val d'Aran is the only district (“comarca”) in Catalonia located on the northern side of the Pyrenees (population about 9,000).