When theatre tackles the effects of climate extremes: the “science-art” approach to disaster risk reduction
Natural hazards claimed almost 60,000 lives in the first half of 2023 alone, and global warming is expected to trigger more extreme events in the coming years. “Breaking the silos” by combining theatre and science is one of the strategies being tested to prevent increasing losses and optimize disaster risk reduction.
How art can raise awareness of climate change
The artistic installation in The HuT's demo site in Valencia
Graphical recording to keep track of The HuT activities
The activities in our demo sites are booming. Have a look at the graphical recording to see most recent activities!
Disaster early-warning systems can succeed — but collective action is needed
Read the article in Nature to find out what we should all do to face climate extremes
The HuT partecipated to CERIS event in Brussels
The HuT discussed key topics together with sister projects during CERIS event
The importance of early warning systems
Warning systems improving in Africa thanks to EU funding
First event with stakeholder in Ogliastra, Sardinia
Our Ogliastra demo site organised its first event with local stakeholder